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Online Degrees

Click on the program icons below to learn more about these programs and how you can enhance your career through these advanced degree programs.

University Partner Programs
Kansas State University (MAB, Online Degree)
The University of Mount Olive (B.S., Online Degree)
Agricultural Communication & Leadership
The University of Mount Olive (B.S., Online Degree)
Agricultural Education
The University of Mount Olive (B.S.)
Agricultural Production Systems
The University of Mount Olive (B.S.)
Agricultural Science
Agritourism Management
Animal Science
The University of Mount Olive (B.S.)
Applied Global Stability: Agriculture
Certified Gardener
Environmental Science & Natural Resources
The University of Mount Olive (B.S.)
Extension Education
Food Safety and Defense
Kansas State University (MAB)
Integrated Resource Management
Plant Science
The University of Mount Olive (B.S.)
Seed Technology
Veterinary Bioscience
The University of Mount Olive (B.S., Online Degree)



Should You Go to Graduate School? 


Whether or not to pursue a graduate (masters) degree is a decision that requires a lot of thought, research and financial planning. Whether you’re considering an on-campus or online program there is much to ponder. We interviewed Deborah Kohl, Coordinator of the online Master of Agribusiness Program at Kansas State University and Dr. Deborah VanOverbeke, Assistant Dean for the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Oklahoma State University. Both have extensive experience in working with graduate students and shared valuable insight to reflect on as you decide if graduate school is right for you.    Read More

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