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Agribusiness Workforce Preparations for Coronavirus
March 23, 2020

As the coronavirus has spread, agribusinesses have implemented measures to prepare and protect their workforces. is specifically investigating the impact of COVID-19 on the agricultural industry. We have implemented a brief survey that we invite agribusiness employers to take; it can be found at this link.

  • Preliminary findings reveal that 80% of Canadian agribusiness employers have taken measures to communicate with employees about the coronavirus and actions to prevent the spread. These actions might include washing hands, regularly using hand sanitizer, and avoiding close physical contact with other employees.
  • Since prevention measures and absent workforce obviously disrupt business operations, we asked employers whether or not they have a business continuity plan in place. Nearly half (49%) of Canadian respondents answered that they do.
  • Many agribusinesses are asking employees that are able towork from home, to do so. However, many agribusinesses have facets to their companies that cannot be performed or even put on hold remotely. This includes plant operations and animal care. Eighteen percent of Canadian agribusinesses stated that they cannot accommodate remote work.
  • For those companies that cannot accommodate remote employees, asking ‘well’ employees to cover was the most common plan to provide coverage.

Again, these results are preliminary. We encourage agricultural employers to participate in our survey to add insight into what steps the industry is taking to combat coronavirus and ensure the health and well-being of their workforce. Access and complete the 2-minute survey here. We plan to share final resultsin our next newsletter.

In the meantime, we encourage agriculture and food employers to continue their recruitment efforts and recommend conducting interviews virtually. View our talent solutions products and job posting packages on

Because many employees across the industry are shifting to working remotely, here are some resources to navigate this potentially unfamiliar process for both employers and employees:

Employee Resources for Working Remotely:

Employer Resources for Managing Remote Employees:

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