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Useful Things to Do When You Need a Break at Work

Useful Things to Do When You Need a Break at Work
  • AuthorKristine Penning
  • DateMarch 12, 2021
  • MediumNewsletter Article
The daily grind can be overwhelming, if you are feeling like you are struggling to remain productive, and need a few minutes to regroup there are few small things you can do to help refocus your day.

Burnout is very real, especially during a pandemic when your normal work routine has likely changed in the last year. If you feel yourself needing a minute or even feeling like you’ve caught up to your tasks at hand, try doing these small things to still remain productive but also take a break from the daily grind. 


1. Organize   

There are all kinds of ways to do this. Take some time to unsubscribe from junk email and newsletters you don’t have interest in. Work on cleaning up your files on your computer including your desktop. Organize your physical workspace. 

2. Clean 

Your desk can be one of the most disgusting places in between dust and crumbs. Work on cleaning your keyboard and mouse off. Dust your desktop and work area. Wipe off your computer screen. Go through your drawers and get rid of things that you don’t need anymore.  

3. Explore Continued Learning 

It’s always good to continue learning and growing. Explore online courses or webinars you could attend to further your professionalism and knowledge. Watch a relevant YouTube video relating to your work. Catch up on the news in your industry. 

4. Update Your Profile! 

When was the last time you did this? Update your profile, including your resume and job alerts. You can sign up for an account here. Take a look at some new positions if you’re interested in making a change. 

 5. Run Computer Updates 

You might be like me and put off updating your computer as long as possible. Take time to do software updates. 

6. Chat with a Coworker

Nothing wrong with socializing and building rapport with your coworkers! You may be working from home now—consider doing just a quick Zoom call to talk about life. 

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