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Your Resume Should Only be One-Page. I’m Serious.

Your Resume Should Only be One-Page. I’m Serious.
  • AuthorBonnie Johnson
  • DateJuly 15, 2024
  • MediumNewsletter Article
Struggling to keep your resume to one page? Learn how to cut out the clutter and create a concise, impactful resume that gets noticed by both humans and applicant tracking systems. Check out these crucial tips to streamline your resume and increase your chances of landing your dream job!

You’ve heard the advice before, keep your resume to one page if possible. However, I’m removing “if possible” and saying seriously, “Your resume should only be one-page!”


But, but, but… you may say, I really need to sell myself, I have a lot of experience, education, etc. Most people are, or feel, overworked and rushed. Humans and computers (applicant tracking systems) scanning your resume want to pick out key points and assess your qualifications efficiently and quickly.


To honor this effort, I’m making this blog short, concise, and direct!


Cut out the clutter – what to remove from your resume to keep it to one page:


• References, or any “references” to them: Don’t include your list of references, and don’t even state “references available upon request.”                That’s a given.
• GPA – unless it’s 3.5 or above, and you’re a recent graduate (3 years)
• Irrelevant experience: prioritize your experience and include what is relevant to the job you are applying for
• Full job descriptions of your current or previous jobs – focus on accomplishments instead of duties or mundane activities
• Too-personal information: photo, birthdate, marital status
• Objective Statement – replace with a branding statement or skill table if necessary.
• Filler or fluff words, such as: really, very, a lot, think, just, then, that, so, thing, great
• Full sentences – especially if you’re using bullets, tables, or lists, full sentence formatting with ending punctuation is unnecessary
• Over-used, weak words, jargon, and phrases: results-driven, problem-solver, detail-oriented, hard worker, team player, go-getter
• Stuffing keywords – Build keywords from the job posting into your resume, but be wary of overusing them inappropriately


If you’re still over-flowing past page one, consider removing awards and honors, extracurricular activities and volunteer experience.


If you’re disappointed about removing any of this information, add it to your cover letter – your chance to sell your unique qualities.


When you’re done cutting out the clutter, upload your resume to

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