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5 Resume Tips to Stand Out

5 Resume Tips to Stand Out
  • AuthorPelin Su Gundogdo
  • DateOctober 10, 2023
  • MediumCareer Guide Article
Are you currently searching for a job but struggling to get responses? Here are 5 Resume tips that will help you stick out to employers and get their attention!

Are you currently searching for a job but struggling to get responses? Here are 5 Resume tips will help you stick out employers and get their attention! 



#1. Your format should be clear and simple. Make sure your resume looks professional. Use bullet points and sections to make it easy to read. Keep it concise. Less is more but uses powerful action words to emphasize your accomplishments. And lastly, always double check your resume word by work and make sure there are no typos. Spell check and even have a friend read it over! 



#2. Take the skill section seriously. Many candidates are now using a skill section on their resume instead of an objective statement. You can start doing this by determining what your soft and hard skills are. Soft skills, such as communication or organization skills, are important to any job. On the other hand, hard skills are things like specific software or program knowledge. 



#3. Adjust your resume for a specific target. Ask yourself, what is the job/company that I am targeting and what are their values? You can usually find this information in the job descriptions and the “About Us” section of the employer’s website. 



#4. Remove overly personal information from your resume. No photo needed on your resume! You don’t even need to put your home street address, just the city and state or province should be enough. Don’t forget essential contact information like your email address and phone number though! 



And lastly #5. Make sure your resume is discoverable in resume tracking systems. You can do this by looking at the job description and adding the same key words to your resume. If the company is looking for a specific skill, ensure you have it listed in your resume if it applies to you! 


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