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How to Have an Effective Virtual Interview

How to Have an Effective Virtual Interview
  • AuthorSydney Mohr
  • DateJuly 18, 2023
  • MediumNewsletter Article
Virtual interviews are becoming more and more common, so it’s important you can adapt when needed so that you are still successful.

Have you been asked to do a virtual interview? Never done one before? Don’t worry, we have you covered with six tips and tricks on how to excel in your next virtual interview!

               In today’s digital age, virtual interviews have become an integrated part of the hiring process. As technology continues to evolve as always, we recognize, among many other companies, the benefits of conducting interviews remotely. Virtual interviews offer convenience, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to connect with talent from anywhere in the world. However, to truly excel in a virtual interview setting, candidates need to be well-prepared and adapt their approach to ensure a successful outcome. In this article, we will explore some valuable tips and strategies to help you have an effective virtual interview and boost your chances of landing a dream job.

  1. Test Your Technology

Before your virtual interview, make sure you have a stable internet connection and test your audio and video equipment. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the video conferencing platform being used, whether it’s Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or any other software. Check the lighting in the camera, the camera angle, and your background to ensure you have a professional and distraction-free environment.


  1. Dress Professionally

It’s important that just because you’re interviewing from the comfort of your own home doesn’t mean you should not make a good appearance. Make sure to dress professionally from head to toe. Not only will you look professional and prepared, but it will also help you feel more confident. 


  1. Make eye contact.

When having a virtual interview, it’s important to make eye contact as if it was an in-person interview. It is easy to get distracted by pop-ups on your computer and other devices around you. Making and maintaining eye contact helps convey to the interviewer that you are confident and engaged.


  1. Silence all devices

During virtual interviews, it’s important to make sure there are as little distractions as possible. Turn off all notifications on your computer, phone, iPad, and any other devices around you that may disrupt you. Also, don’t forget to close unnecessary applications and tabs on your computer that you are having your interview on to avoid unexpected pop ups and or sounds.



  1. Prepare your surroundings.

Since you aren’t going into a physical interview room, it’s important you create a professional area for you to do your interview in.

A professional area looks like:

  • Quiet
  • Well-lit
  • No clutter or personal items in the background

If you cannot create a clean/professional background, you can also consider using a virtual background or a blurred background. But make sure you have that set up before you start the interview.


  1. Practice and Prepare

Just like any interview, being prepared is key. Taking the proper amount of time to practice before the interview will ensure are as professional and prepared as you can be.

To properly prepare for a virtual interview still:

  • Research the company.
  • Research the position you’re applying for.
  • Create questions you can ask the interviewer.
  • Prepare answers to common interview questions.
  • Take time to practice your answers.


Overall, virtual interviews are becoming more and more common, so it’s important you can adapt when needed so that you are still successful. By testing your technology, dressing professionally, making eye contact, silencing all your devices, preparing your surroundings, and practicing and preparing you can have just as successful of a virtual interview as you can an in person one. Embrace the opportunities that virtual interviews can offer you and help increase your chances of getting your dream job!

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