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Employer vs. Employee: Benefit Motivation

Employer vs. Employee: Benefit Motivation
  • AuthorBonnie Johnson
  • DateApril 13, 2022
  • MediumNewsletter Article
The workplace is evolving and is digging into how this evolution is affecting employment in the agricultural industry.

Talking employment benefits, are agricultural employers on the same page as employees/candidates? Has the great resignation turned into the great regret? Do employers battling for new talent have the right tools in their toolkit?


The workplace is evolving and is digging into how this evolution is affecting employment in the agricultural industry. Specifically, benefits are often the motivation for employees to leave, and candidates to accept an offer. Employers’ benefit offerings can include anything from where and how employees work, to monetary incentives and company culture.


We need your input to support the agricultural and food industries in developing stronger benefit and incentive packages. is surveying both employers AND employees/candidate to compare the two perspectives. We’ll benchmark the benefit status in the industry, guide employers on what they can improve, enhance, and offer in the future. It’s a win-win for both sides!

Please take a few minutes to tell us:  

Employees & Candidates: What benefits matter the most to you?

Employers: What benefits are most important in attracting and retaining talent?


There are incentives available for participants and we’ll share the significant results with you! Questions? Email

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