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George E. and Mary E. Miller Scholarship


Amount: $1,000


Minimum GPA: N/A


Need-based: N/A


Residency: N/A


Enrollment status: N/A


Deadline: June 1st


Presented by: Mrs. Gretchen Markunas


University/College: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Academic Level: Preference for Junior or Senior


Field of Study: College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences


Additional Criteria: preference for those interested in sustainable agriculture followed by those interested in farm management careers


Renewable: N/A


Description: This $1,000 scholarship, presented by Mrs. Gretchen Markunas, will be awarded to a student at the College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Juniors and Seniors interested in sustainable agriculture will be given preference, with second preference going to those interested in farm management careers. Applications are due June 1.

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