Office Manager

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Job Title: Office Manager
Location: Ashland, KS, Nationwide United States, USA

Company: Shaw Feedyard, Inc.
Industry Sector: Agribusiness
Industry Type: Animal Production - Beef
Career Type: Administrative/Clerical
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Based on Experience
Job Description:

Full Time Office Manager Needed


Shaw Feedyard, Inc. is a custom cattle feeding operation located approximately 6 miles southwest of Ashland, Kansas.  We began as a family farming operation in 1964.  We are still family owned, but have grown to a capacity of 8,500 head.


We have continually upgraded our facilities and equipment to meet the changing needs of the cattle feeding industry.  Our feedyard has remained small enough to give specialized attention to your cattle, but large enough to attract all the major packers. 


We take great pride in the quality of our personnel. 


Responsibilities Include:

  • Overseeing and executing all office operations. 
  • Microsoft Excel, Quikbooks, and Accu-trac Office are used daily. 
  • Experience with Microsoft Excel and Quikbooks will be required. 
  • Accur-trac Office (feed and cattle software) will be used but experience with this software will not be required. 
  • There will be on the job training to get started. 


The right individual should be self motivated and will to work others. 


Benefits Include:

  • Full-time
  • Health Insurance
  • Flexible spending
  • Matching Retirement
  • Paid time off


To Apply:

  • Submit your resume via Apply To This Position below.
To apply please click on APPLY TO THIS POSITION
Job Post Date: 06/04/24
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