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Back to Basics About Brand You

  • DateMay 22, 2015
  • MediumNewsletter Article

Back to Basics About Brand You

By: Billie Sucher,

Before you write a resume, and / or look for a job, here are ten questions to consider before you launch your job search campaign:

  1. Can you recite your five to ten best skills / competencies?
  2. Can you recite your five to ten best character traits, unique and distinct to you?
  3. Can you recite your one to three biggest flaws?
  4. Can you deliver three to five compelling reasons why an employer should pick you over another candidate?
  5. Can you state with clarity the type of positions you're exploring that align with your brand?
  6. Can you communicate the essence of your brand in 20 to 30 seconds?
  7. Can you provide direct evidence of your top three to five achievements in 2010?
  8. Can you name ten (or more) distinct strategies for Brand You to find employment?
  9. Can you persuade a savvy Hiring Manager why you 'stand out'?
  10. Can you speak convincingly about your brand and the value it can add to your target organization's mission, vision, and goals?

While the list of questions could go on and on, these ten questions are a good place to start quizzing yourself about what you do or don't know about your brand. In this intensely competitive market, do yourself a favor and know how to answer these questions (and more) before you embark upon your job search journey.

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