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What to Look for in a Manager

What to Look for in a Manager
  • AuthorErika Osmundson
  • DateSeptember 23, 2019
  • MediumNewsletter Article
Getting the right fit for both you and the manager is a winning situation for everyone! Find out what to look for in a manager when you're on the job search.


What to Look for in a Manager

I’m sure you’ve heard the good ole’ saying – people don’t leave jobs, they leave their manager. While not always the case, it is certainly true in many instances. For sure the person you report to and how they treat you and value you are important. But, how do you figure out what you are going to get through the recruitment process?

The nice thing is, you are in the driver seat when it comes to this for the most part. In a job seeker market, you can do a little looking until you find the right fit. Here are some things to consider.

  • What was the first impression like when you met them? Your gut can tell you a lot. Did they give you the time of day; treat you with respect; seem interested in you as a person? What types of questions did they ask you – were they self-serving or did they inquire about you as a person?
  • Through the process, was communication timely? I’ve heard of many instances when the employer/manager starts communication about career opportunities, but then drags it out for long periods of time. If respect for communicating is not there at this stage, it perhaps won’t be there as an employee.
  • Ask in the interview about the position and why it is vacant. Did the person get promoted to a new role? Is it a new position? Or is there an unexplainable absence that you can then take some hints from.
  • Ask what success means to the manager in the interview if given the opportunity. This can provide great insight about what drives that person and give you an outlook if your success factors align.
  • Reverse the script – we know that employers are using social media to find out about you. Use social media to find out about them. What type of story does this person’s social media tell about them?
  • Ask others – do you have a friend or community member that knows the person. See what they have to say about the person. You aren’t looking for dirt, but rather seeing if your values and work tendencies mesh. This is beneficial for both you and the manager!
  • Some interviews include time with potential co-workers. In a friendly way ask what type of manager ‘Sam Smith’ is. If you don’t have the opportunity to ask specifically about the potential manager, asking about company culture can also be a fairly good way to get a gauge on people in leadership, however, it isn’t as foolproof as asking directly about the person.


With all the time you spend at your job, working with people you enjoy is critical. Taking the time to focus on the type of next manager you might have is important and worth investigating. Getting the right fit for both you and the manager is a win-win for all! If there is concern about you inquiring about this type of information, they probably aren’t the right fit for you anyway.

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