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Dress for Success: Shoes Women Should & Shouldn’t Wear to Work

Dress for Success:  Shoes
  • DateDecember 03, 2014
  • MediumInfographic
Follow these six rules on shoes women should wear, or avoid for work, interviews and career fairs.

Dress for Success:  Shoes Women Should & Shouldn’t Wear to Work – Follow these six rules on shoes women should wear, or avoid for work, interviews and career fairs. 


Infographic - Title: Dress for Success. Sub-title: Shoes Women Should & Shouldn’t Wear to Work.  Image Text:  Rule #1:  Closed Toe.  You’ll typically want to go for a closed-toe shoe, especially for an interview or the career fair.  Rule #2:  Low to Moderate Heel.  Heels look professional and confident, but keep them that way.  NEVER wear platforms or stilettos.  Rule #3:  Heels Aren’t for Everyone.  If you can’t walk in heels, don’t wear them!  Be practical with your shoe choices.  It’s tough to appear professional when you’re uncomfortable.  Rule #4:  Neutral Colors.  Neutrals like black, brown, or tan are best.  Other colors are okay when kept to a simple shoe style.  Rule #5:  Shoes to Avoid.  NEVER wear flip flops, athletic shoes, clogs or “eskimo” boots to work or an interview.  Rule #6:  Occasional Sandals.  Nice, modest sandals are acceptable in certain offices but only with business casual or on casual Friday.  Find more valuable professional tips from our website

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