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7 Things Not to Say during a Job Interview

7 Things Not to Say During a Job Interview
  • DateDecember 03, 2014
  • MediumInfographic
Follow these seven tips on what NOT to say or do during a job interview.

7 Things Not to Say during a Job Interview – During an interview, don’t talk about appearance, illnesses, and previous job problems, just to name a few.  Follow these seven tips from Kathryn Elizabeth Tuggle, FOXBusiness, on what NOT to say or do during a job interview. 


Infographic - Title: 7 Things Not to Say during a Job Interview. Image Text:  Don’t compliment the interviewer’s appearance in any way.  Don’t say “I love your skirt!”  Save your compliments for commenting on their work.  Do research ahead of time to learn about their company or personal achievement.  Instead, say “I read about your impressive body of work in the newsletter.”  Don’t cry while telling an emotional story.  Don’t say “I still break down just thinking about it.”  Sometimes you may be asked a question that leads you to answer with an emotional story.  Try to avoid it but if you must, make sure you’re prepared.  Use this as an opportunity to demonstrate that you can handle your emotions.  Instead, say “It was difficult but I got through it.”  Don’t talk about illnesses unless they’re relevant.  Don’t say “This time of year is terrible for asthma and my back is killing me.”  You may have a gap in your resume due to an illness or injury but don’t use that to gain sympathy from the interviewer.  Keep the conversation focused and professional.  Instead, say “I had surgery at the time, but it hasn’t been a problem since.”  Don’t talk about problems at a previous job unless you’re trying to explain how you persevered.  Employers want to know how you solve problems, so if you had one at a former workplace, explain how you solved it.  Don’t say “My former boss was a headache.”  Instead, say “I worked through my issues successfully.”  Don’t force rapport.  Don’t say “I see you have kids!  I love kids!”  Don’t try to force commonalities with your interviewer.  If you see a picture of your interviewer’s children in their office and comment on it, be prepared for them to ask “Do you have kids?”  If not, the comment feels fake.  Stick to small talk about the weather or ask about the company.  Instead, say “Your offices are nice.  How long have you been here?”  Don’t have no questions.  Don’t say “Nope, I think you went over everything.”  Questions are an opportunity to set yourself apart from the rest of the field.  Being prepared with questions will show that you’re prepared and truly interested in the job.  Instead, say “What are 3 major things you’d like me to accomplish?”  Don’t say you were fired.  Don’t say “I got canned at my last job.”  The term “fired” will automatically take your interview down a dark path and bring up more negative questions than positive.  Don’t lie, but find a way to explain the situation and what you’ve learned from the experience.  Instead, say “I learned what skills I can bring to this job.”  Check out the newsletter archives and subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter to receive more tips and advice for your job search.

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