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Four ways to Master the First Phone Interview

Four ways to Master the First Phone Interview
  • DateDecember 03, 2014
  • MediumInfographic
Follow these steps to ace your phone interview and achieve success.

4 Tips to Ace the Pre-Screen Phone Interview – Follow these steps from Certified Executive Career Coach, Louise Garver, to ace your phone interview and achieve success.


Infographic - Title: 4 Tips to Ace the Pre-Screen Phone Interview. Sub-title: Congrats on your phone interview!  But be aware:  you are about to enter round 2 of the process and could potentially strike out.  Your potential employer is about to develop a profile on you and determine whether or not you’re a good fit for them.  So how do you show that you are?  Follow these steps for success from Image Text:  #1:  Emphasize your brand.  I know all about chemicals.  Strong writing skills.  Self-Starter.  I think on my toes.  Talk up your strong points.  Both technical skills & employability skills.  Focus on components of your background and experience that match the job requirements.  The interviewer will see relevant parallels.  Bonus Tip:  33% of employers in the ag industry report work ethic as the most valuable skill set for a new employee to possess.  #2:  Communicate job interest.  I want this job!!!  Demonstrate your interest and don’t be too general.  Research the company and the job requirement and point out why you would be a good fit.  #3:  Why are you the best for this job?  Problem solver. Active listener. Critical thinker. Decision maker.  Explain how your experiences in internships and other roles have prepared you to successfully contribute to their company.  Ask questions about their challenges and goals for this role and explain how you are the best solution for achieving those goals.  #4:  Clarify any possible negatives.  Inexperience with Excel.  Hour commute.  Limited sales experience.  Be up front with the interviewer if they have any concerns, were it be commute time or skill set.  Give a straightforward answer, and don’t over explain.  That looks like you’re “covering up” or “defending” yourself.  Always end positively on how you will turn that negative into a positive.  For more tips on acing a phone interview, check out the Newsletter archives and subscribe to receive our weekly updates.

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