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Do You Stink At Communicating with Candidates?

Do You Stink At Communicating with Candidates?
  • AuthorBonnie Johnson
  • DateJuly 23, 2024
  • MediumNewsletter Article
Do you want to improve your communication with job candidates? Learn how to craft job postings that attract the right talent and keep candidates engaged throughout the hiring process. Don't let poor communication sabotage your recruitment efforts. Read on to find out how you can make a difference.

You’ve probably not heard this directly from candidates, but some say YOU STINK (at communicating with them)! Communication failures are one of the most frequently cited frustrations candidates share about employers.

Communicating With Candidates Begins with Your Job Posting


Start clear communication with your very first introduction to the job seeker: your job posting.


Creating the right language for your job postings will save your organization time because you won’t need to sort through lists of unqualified candidates. It will also save job seekers’ time that may be wasted applying if they don’t meet your criteria.


Your job titles should be descriptive, clear and understandable to someone OUTSIDE your organization. Eliminate abbreviations and jargon specific to your company.   For instance “Senior Quality Assurance Manager” will usually get a better response than “Quality IV, Mgr.”


Being clear about the skills required and minimum education level needed for your job opening will save time in the long run for you and the applicant. For instance, if you require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree for a position, don’t hesitate to list this as a requirement. If your opening is more flexible, you can use language such as, “bachelor’s degree preferred or equivalent work experience.”


Give clear directions for the applicant: list a closing date for receipt of applications, note if you would like the applicant to provide salary, references, or any other requirements.


After They Apply


The most frequent complaint heard from job seekers is the lack of response from employers after they’ve applied for a job. When surveyed job seekers, almost 80% said that a company’s lack of response makes them very unlikely or somewhat unlikely to apply for future openings with that company. Your response to applications is crucial in maintaining the positive image of your organization. Employers posting on can simplify this process by taking advantage of the free automated response to each application submitted.


While interviewing a candidate, communicate where you are in the hiring process and the expected timeframe; this will cut down on follow-up questions for both of you.


If candidates follow-up with a phone message, take the time to respond. If your schedule doesn’t have room for a phone call, send a quick email at least. Be honest about where you are in the hiring process.


Take down your job posting if you fill your opening before it expires. This will save you time in responding to later applicants, and decrease frustration from those candidates.


Once you have the position filled, send an email or letter to the other applicants. They might not be a fit for the current opening, but keep the door open for future opportunities and maintain your organization’s positive image.


Remember, not clearly communicating and following up in a timely manner could cost you top talent. Communication is a two-way street and candidates may start to wonder, “Is that really an organization I want to work for?”


Post a job on and commit to good communication throughout the hiring process!

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