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Tips for Taking a Temporary Position
October 25, 2016

By Kristine Penning,

Working in a temporary position can lead to great things! While Ryan the Temp from The Office is obviously not a real person, he rose through the ranks to eventually become second in command at Dunder Mifflin…although he was later fired for fraud…but even after that he still remained with the company for eight years!

temporary position

Okay, bad example. But there really are a lot of positives for taking a temporary position. Most temporary positions today last for several months whether it is a seasonal position working in the field or filling in for a parent on maternity leave (especially in Canada). They serve as a great transition period for a professional dipping their toes into the working world or just looking for something to do while they search for a more permanent position. And who’s to say that this temporary position couldn’t become a permanent position?

To make the most out of taking a temporary position, follow these suggested tips, and then search for hundreds of temporary positions on

4 Tips for Making the Most of a Temporary Position

1. Work. Hard. Temporary positions, especially labor, skill or research-based, always have the potential that they may need you again next season/year. If you want to leave an impression and be asked to return next year/season, you’ll want to work to the best of your ability and make your supervisors remember you. Plus, it’s always easier to hire someone back that knows the role than someone that doesn’t. Show up. Volunteer when there’s a special task to be done. Work hard at being the kind of employee worth keeping.

2. Network. You too can leverage a temporary position to network with the best of them. Get to know supervisors and executives within the organization that may be looking for a new employee within the area that you are working temporarily. Does the organization you are working with serve clients that are of interest to you? Take the opportunity to try to meet with them.

3. Hone New Skills. Benefit both yourself and the organization by picking up and mastering skills that will look attractive on your resume.

4. Be Humble but Impressive. Know your place, but also take the chance to voice your opinion or thoughts if you are asked for them. Also, don’t be a pest. Try to learn quickly and avoid asking a lot of questions once you’ve been in your position long enough that you should know the answers.

5. Enjoy the Experience. Temping for a while (or even long-term) can be a really enjoyable experience. You may get to work with all different kinds of people in different locations for different organizations with different goals and offerings. Not everyone gets to experience that.

Work on these tips and there’s no doubt you won’t be temping forever.

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