is excited to announce that Kendall Singleton is the winner of the 2011 Employer Guide Facebook $1,000 Scholarship.
The latest edition of the Ag & Food Employer Guide for Students and Professionals, published in conjunction with AgriMarketing magazine, was released in September of 2011 as a resource guide for job seekers to compare busineses within the agriculture, food, biotechnoogy and natural resource industries and their opportunities for internships and employment. The piece also contains a variety of useful articles to help students and professionals as they go about their career search.
Students were invited to share their thoughts about the guide on the Facebook wall by December 31, 2011 for their chance to win a $1,000 scholarship from Students posted their feedback on the wall with such comments as, “Your Ag and Food Employer Guide is a great resource, from resumes and career fairs to transitioning into the workplace after graduation, every student hoping to work in the Ag industry should read it,” as well as, “Just finished reading the Employer Guide; there are numerous tips in there to help us succeed. Thank you! “
Singleton’s post was randomly selected as the winner. She heard about the guide from Ashley Collins, Education & Marketing Specialist, when she presented a seminar on professionalism at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC). Singleton shared, “The guide was especially helpful for refining my resume, as well as preparing me for a Career Fair that I attended at ABAC.”
Singleton is a freshman at ABAC majoring in Animal Science. After obtaining her Associate’s degree, she plans to transfer to a four-year university for her Bachelor’s and then go to veterinary school to become a large animal veterinarian.
Singleton added, “Social Media has been very useful for keeping up with extracurricular activities and professional sites, such as “ Social media has proven to be a powerful tool to communicate with college students. “We wanted to spread the word about this important publication through our social media sites and we’re excited to reward one student with the scholarship to help with their educational expenses,” said Collins. “The employer guide is an invaluable tool for student and professional candidates,” added Collins.