Releases 2009 Job Analysis Report
March 10, 2010 Releases 2009 Job Analysis Report
The economic crisis has had an impact on everyone, and while we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel we know it will be a slow rebound. But yet, there is positive news to share! recently published the U.S. Agribusiness Job Outlook and found that job postings were slightly up in 2009 from the previous year. The increase may be slight but is shows that employment in most sectors of agriculture did not experience as harsh affects as some other industries.
One thing that was apparent in 2009 was that there was an abundance of job seekers. saw an increase of more than 4,000 additional job seekers previewing available jobs in 2009 over 2008. It was interesting to note that there were a growing number of applicants that had not worked in the agriculture industry recently or even at all. Many had grown up on a farm, obtained an agriculture degree, or worked in the agriculture industry awhile back, and were looking to get back into the industry. attracts a wide variety of applicant traffic, including job seekers with several years of experience. This year applicant traffic with 3 – 8 years of experience had the largest growth.
Below are a few other highlights from this year’s report:
- The average number of job views in the United States per month was over 10,500 views.
- There were over 25,300 jobs posted in the United States in 2009.
- The monthly average for jobs posted by companies in the United States was over 2,000 jobs.
- Approximately 900 jobs were forwarded to family and friends each month in 2009.
- There were more than 19,000 jobs posted in the Midwest (highest posting region on over the past year followed by over 2,000 jobs posted in the West region.
This is the second year has the Agribusiness Job Outlook. The report contains information based off of an analysis of jobs posted on, job seeker activity on, and insight from the employers using our services.
To download your FREE copy of the 2009 US Agribusiness Job Outlook, please (click here). The 2009 Canadian Agribusiness Job Outlook will be published soon – to request a copy of that report, please em