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Advanced Search Resume Database Enhancements
October 02, 2009 Enhances Resume Database
In an effort to bring continued service and enhancements to our clients, both employers and job seekers, we are pleased to announce the recent launch of many new changes to the Resume Database. 
Working with a group of clients to determine the most needed and important updates, the resume database is now easier to search, view resumes, and captures more demographic type information on candidates that can be viewed in a quick glance. A brief review of the new enhancements is outlined below.
The database holds more than 5,000 recently updated resumes of applicants with a true interest in a career in agriculture. Check out the database today! Resume Database Enhancements

The majority of the changes where aimed at targeting the improvement of the Employer Resume Database experience by refining search, displayed data, and information organization.

Employers/Recruiters will begin noticing the following key site changes on

1. Improved Resume Search
    - This area has been enhanced to provide Employers an improved search experience with more accurately retrieved search results, improved search groupings, and additional search options.
2. Quick Details
    - This area has been added to provide Employers with a quick snapshot of user details in line with their resume search results

3. Improved Resume Display
    - This area has been enhanced to improve the look and feel of Applicant resumes, as well as display the additional fields captured during the resume upload and job specific application processes.

Applicants will begin noticing the following key site changes on

1. Additional entry items for some of the job application processes

2. Additional entry items for the resume upload process
3. Improved Resume Display        

If you have any further questions or need assistance using the resume database and/or access, please contact at

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