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Advanced Search to Present at Ag Science Summit
April 23, 2009

Today’s Youth, Tomorrow's Workforce

Please join the nation’s top thinkers for a Summit to discuss agriculture, science and new solutions for cultivating a new generation of ag innovation in the field.

Conversations will include the challenges and opportunities of global competition, solutions for improving America’s agricultural literacy and new ideas for workforce development and recruiting. In addition, 4-H will unveil the new web-based, Ag Science project builder — an online education resource that leverages a century of youth development in agriculture.

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Candidate | Employer

Jim Borel, Group Vice President-Agriculture, DuPont
Carl M. Casale, Executive Vice President, Strategy and Operations, Monsanto
Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture (invited)
Gordon Gee, President, The Ohio State University (invited)
Roger N. Beachy, President, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Fred A. Cholick, Dean of Agriculture and Director of K-State Research and Extension, Kansas State University
Eric Spell, CEO,