and The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair are proud to announce their partnership for the 2007 event! The internationally recognized indoor expo begins this coming Friday, November 2nd and will continue through Sunday, November 11th at the Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition Place, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
This year the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair will celebrate its 85th birthday! is proud to be a sponsor of many of the events happening during the fun-filled 10 day display of Canadian agriculture. One of the events is The Young Speaker for Agriculture competition. Youth 11-24 years of age representing seven different provinces will be competing for the title of Canadian Young speaker for 2007. Each contestant has the choice of a topic from a list of key issues facing agriculture and must present a five to seven minute speech regarding the topic. The competition will take place on Saturday November 3rd at 9 am.
More than 1,000 youth participants from across Canada will be taking part in the ScotiaBank Classic Youth competition. 4-H competitors will be exhibiting their projects they have been working with diligently for the past 6-8 months. Competitions will take place in dairy, beef, swine, sheep and goats. These events run throughout the ten day event. Please check for a complete schedule.
Kathryn Doan, Global Business Development Manager of is pleased to be working with The Royal Agriculture Winter Fair in promoting the employment opportunities available globally within the agriculture and food industry. “The RAWF & share a mutual commitment to developing youth and profiling some of the many fun, interesting and challenging employment opportunities available in agriculture & food.” is excited to be attending the RAWF to spread the word about the career paths available within agriculture & food for experienced professionals, College/University/Apprenticeship students and others. “We are thrilled for to be partnering with us this year at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. The support and partnerships of important stakeholders in agriculture make this event a world class show,” states Krista McFadden the agriculture show manager.
Visitors from all over the world will be attending the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair to learn about agriculture and view the prize winning genetics displayed in the national beef breed shows, national dairy shows along with sheep, goat and swine competitions. This is a great chance for the general public to learn about how food is produced and arrives on your plate everyday! If you have the chance, please be sure to check out the Royal Agriculture Winter Fair and say hello to the representatives.
Feature attractions taking place this year include the Royal Horse Show competition, Toyota Dealers Royal Rodeo Day, SuperDogs, Journey to Good Health, The Pizza Pizza Petting Farm, EquiMania Discoveries, The Giant Vegetables, The Butter Sculpture Competition sponsored by Gay Lea, The Chick Truck, The Pig Mobile and The Pizza Nova Kids 'Pizza Making Workshop.'
For more information on upcoming agricultural related events check out the event section at /events.cfm.
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