Welcomes Five Collegiate Ambassadors to the Team
January 19, 2007 is excited to welcome our 2007 Collegiate Ambassadors. The Ambassador Program rotates through universities with strong agriculture related colleges. These students act as a liaison between,’s partnership clients and their student body. Throughout the semester ambassadors will educate their peers about the numerous career and internship opportunities posted on by partnership clients, as well as important skills needed to achieve an optimal career in the agriculture industry. Please join in welcoming the 2007 Ambassadors.
Angelina Toomey is a senior at the University of Florida, majoring in agricultural communication with a minor in leadership. She is the current president of the Agricultural Communicators and Leaders of Tomorrow, University of Florida’s chapter of the National Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow organization. She also serves on the Student Advisory Council for the department of agricultural education and communication, as well as on the Agricultural and Life Sciences College Council. Additionally, Angelina acts as the teaching assistant for an agricultural media writing class at the University of Florida. Recently, she completed an internship with The Market Place, an agricultural communication firm. As an intern, Angelina gained experience in the areas of graphic and Web design, as well as event planning, marketing and public relations. Angelina has remained with The Market Place as a designer, and she frequently freelances for other agricultural companies, as well. After receiving her undergraduate degree, Angelina aspires to continue her education at the University of Florida, seeking a master’s degree in agricultural communication with a focus on design. Angelina grew up in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., an urban city, but has always realized the importance of agriculture. Because of her passion for both the agricultural industry and communication, one of Angelina’s career goals is to raise agricultural awareness in urban areas.
Heather Williams is a senior at Kansas State University, majoring in horticulture science with a minor in business. Heather has completed several internships within the horticulture industry, including a botanical garden, a county extension office, and most recently Ball Horticultural Company. In addition, she assists in genetics research at an on-campus USDA wheat research lab. During her time at Kansas State, Heather has been involved with Alpha Zeta, Collegiate Agri-Women, and the Horticulture Club. She has also served as Treasurer and Chief Justice of Smurthwaite Scholarship House. Heather hopes to start a career working with plants and people on the business side of horticulture after her graduation in May 2007.
Amanda Barczewski from DuBois, Illinois is a senior at Southern Illinois University majoring in agribusiness economics. She is a member of the 2006-2007 Agbassador® Team, Sigma Alpha Professional Sorority, Alpha Zeta Honorary Fraternity, and the College’s Ag Council. She is also a member of AFA and attended the 2006 Conference. Amanda has had internships in several different fields ranging from crop scouting to working in the swine industry with The Maschhoffs, Inc. Upon graduating in May 2007, Amanda plans to obtain her Masters of Science Degree before pursuing a career with an agriculture based company.
Amber Rankin is a junior at the
University of California, Davis majoring in managerial economics. After graduation in June of 2008, she plans on earning a master’s degree in the same field and pursuing a career in the agricultural industry. To date Amber has visited France, Switzerland, Germany, and El Salvador, and she aspires to travel mor