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Advanced Search Student Perspective Survey Results Released
July 07, 2006 has continued to identify ways to provided added-value to those that use the site. Through a focus on conducting market research studies, is developing a library of market research reports that can be shared with clients and used when giving presentations to industry groups. For the last five months, has conducted a brief, online survey of students within agriculture programs throughout North America.

The objective of the Perspective Survey was to get an accurate depiction of what students think of career opportunities within the agriculture industry. The survey results are positive in that students are optimistic about career opportunities in agriculture. However, the results also show that as employers within the industry we have areas we need to help manage their expectations.

The analysis of this market research project will share:

  • Student’s thoughts on career opportunities within agriculture
  • How effective faculty and advisors are at promoting career opportunities within agriculture
  • What students perceive to be the skills that will help them get a job/internship/summer work experience
  • Salary expectations of students
  • Areas where students will and will not relocate to
  • Outlook on internship/summer work experience opportunities and why or why not students participate

The final market research report is being offered to partnership clients at no charge and as a ‘special’ for those that purchase an job posting package. For those that are only interested in receiving the market research report it may be purchased for $500. If you are interested in the ‘Special’ or to purchase the report, please contact your local account manager or e-mail

David Purdie
Eastern US Accounts Manager
phone: 1.800.929.8975

Ashley Warlick
Central USA Account Manager
phone: 1.800.929.8975

Lisa Lathus
Western US Accounts Manager
phone: 1.866.519.7445

Alison Besley
Canadian Sales & Marketing
phone: 1.877.438.5729 Ext. 5018

As an incentive to participate, respondents were entered in a drawing to win one of two I-Pod Shuffles. We would like to congratulate our winners – Melissa Stoller, California and Wendy Luong, British Columbia. We would also like to thank our 2005/2006 campus ambassadors for promoting the survey on their respective campuses.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact at

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