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October is's Take Your Kids to Work Month
September 28, 2016

October is a busy time for the agricultural industry. To promote agricultural careers, we encourage our users to take their child or children with them to their agricultural career during the month of October. We believe that taking your kids to work is a great way for them to learn about what agriculture really looks like and to encourage them to pursue an agricultural career in the future.


Therefore, October is's Take Your Kids to Work Month. Take your kids to work with you during the month of October and take a picture. Add it to either Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #TYKTW16 (or email it to, and the first 50 kids entered will receive a "Future Job Seeker" t-shirt. All agricultural careers are welcome!


By entering via social media or emailing your photo, has permission to publish/use the photo. All photos are uploaded to a photo album on Facebook on an ongoing basis during the month of October.  The photos will also be used to create a video promoting the diverse careers in the industry. Children 0 – 13 are eligible to participate. 


You should use your own judgment based on; your job, your work environment, demands of your day, and your child’s age.  Please consider an appropriate length of the visit considering your work day, and consult with your manager/human resources department regarding your company policy for bringing children to work. 

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