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Jobs with Dairy NZ
July 21, 2010
Dairy NZ

Profitability.  Sustainability. Competitiveness


DairyNZ is the industry good organisation representing New Zealand’s dairy farmers. Funded by a levy on milksolids and through government investment, our purpose is to secure and enhance the profitability, sustainability and competitiveness of New Zealand dairy farming. We aim to do this by leading innovation in world-class dairy farming and by working always in the best interests of New Zealand’s dairy farmers.

Our structure has three key investment areas: productivity (feed, animals and farm systems); sustainability (environmental management, biosecurity, animal welfare and community impact); and people and business (farm business and human capability). These enable us to focus on delivering real value to farmers.

We deliver this value through leadership, influencing, investing, partnering with other providers and through our own strategic capability, with the goal of better positioning New Zealand’s dairy farmers, on-farm, nationally and internationally. Our work includes research and development to create practical on-farm tools, leading on-farm adoption of best practice farming, promoting careers in dairying and advocating for policy, legislative and investment decisions by central and regional government which are good for dairy farming.

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