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Advanced Search Interns to Discover Career Paths
June 05, 2009
Cynthia Hoffman,

A career path direction is what Iowa native Ryan Hrubes and Missouri native Becky Schneider hope to gain from their summer internships with
Hrubes is a senior in agricultural business at Iowa State University. He has traveled to North Carolina for a sales internship with, the leading supplier of human resource services to the agriculture industry.
“This internship is an opportunity for me to gain a new perspective of the industry by working in human resources,” Hrubes said. “I’m excited about increasing my customer service skills and making more contacts within the industry.”
Hrubes is responsible for sales activities and market research projects. He will help provide customer service, design a client feedback survey, and assist with special sales projects. 
Hrubes has interned in various industry sectors including equipment, seed, and international agriculture production. He uses his internships to learn more about the industry and more about his career goal.  
“Internships are an opportunity to learn something new and gain experience,” Hrubes said. “I’d like to discover what I want to do. I know what I can do, but I want to learn what I desire to do.”
Schneider said she agrees with Hrubes and wants to use her marketing internship with to determine what she wants to do with her degree. She is a senior in agricultural education at the University of Missouri and is working in the Iowa office for the summer.
“My other internships have been heavily educational focused so I wanted to experience a different setting,” Schneider said. “The internship will be a good opportunity for me to step outside of the education world and see the industry side.”
Schneider will assist the marketing team with market research projects, event coordination and communication efforts. Marketing and Communications Manager, Erika Brandt, said Schneider will help to further expand and enhance many of’s products and services, and at the same time, she will develop her career path.
“ hope to provide a good learning opportunity for interns to expand their skills and develop their career goals,” she said. “Because we get to work with so many companies within the industry, our interns also have the chance to get a sense for the exciting jobs tha

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