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Agriculture Leaders attend JAG Awards Luncheon
December 11, 2008
Ashley Collins, and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) attended the Jobs for Americas Graduates (JAG) annual Leadership Events Dec. 3 and 4 in Washington D.C.   During the two-day event, more than 200 JAG students from across the nation joined together to honor the numerous companies and organizations like who support the program in more than 30 state affiliates.   
JAG is a school-to-career program implemented in 700 high schools, alternative schools, community colleges, and middle schools across the country and United Kingdom. JAG's mission is to keep young people in high school through graduation and provide work-based learning experiences that will lead to career advancement opportunities, or to enrollment in a postsecondary institution that leads to a rewarding career. As the JAG program strives to keep at-risk students engaged in their scholastic career, their mission is to create a “Nation without dropouts.”
During the event, was recognized for its contribution to the program, along with 30 other corporate sponsors. Additionally, Mike D’Ambrose, senior vice president of human resources at ADM, received the Corporate Leader of the Year award for his commitment to the organization.  

Eric Spell, president of, said it’s important to support programs like JAG. “With the growing demand for talent in the agriculture industry, is excited to partner with organizations like JAG to excite young people about the variety of opportunities that await them in agriculture,” Spell said. “We are excited to connect with the JAG educators to incorporate agricultural careers into the JAG curriculum so these well-equipped graduates will enter our workforce.” 


L-R: Mike D’Ambrose VP of Human Resources, ADM, Eric Spell President, and Ashley Collins Education Coordinator during the 2008 National JAG Leadership Awards Luncheon

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