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Advanced Search President Shares HR Insight with SwineCast
July 24, 2008

Learning how to raise the bar in recruiting and retaining talent within the agriculture industry is the focus of the Human Resources Roundtable. That was the message from President Eric Spell as he spoke with SwineCast about the content of the conference.  
“The Roundtable brings together human resource professionals, upper management, university/college career services, and association representatives within the agribusiness industry to discuss high interest issues ranging from effective on-boarding plans and training programs to successful college relations,” Spell says.
The U.S. Ag HR Roundtable will take place Aug. 4 to 6 and the Canadian Ag and Food HR Roundtable will take place Sept. 22 to 24. Click Here to listen to Spell’s interview with SwineCast and learn more about what the HR Roundtable has to offer.  

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