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Advanced Search and Alpha Zeta form a Partnership to Prepare Students
January 09, 2008

Alpha Zeta is a professional co-ed organization who’s educational and career objectives lie within the broadly defined field of agriculture and natural resources. Founded on November 4, 1897, at Ohio State University, it is the oldest fraternal society in agriculture.  With members at 74 different universities throughout the US, more than 115,000 alumni, and a student membership of 3,000+ members, you can see why Alpha Zeta has become a standard of excellence in the agricultural industry. has had a long-standing relationship with Alpha Zeta, and recently partnered with the organization to help prepare students for their upcoming national conference.  During the 2008 National Ag Leadership Conference (NALC), which will be held at Ohio State University, a career fair will be held with top employers in agribusiness attending, who are seeking these bright students for internships and full-time positions. is offering a uniquely designed Get in the ‘Hot Seat’ web based seminar for Alpha Zeta members with tips on finding potential jobs, effective resume writing, interviewing techniques, and proper follow-up exchange.  “We’ve designed this webinar to help students refresh on the basics of career networking and to give them some insight on the best ways to communicate with employers all the way up to the first day on the job,” stated Ashley Warlick, Education Coordinator with 
Attending the webinar is simple; students log onto the presentation via the web from their apartment, dorm room, or wherever they may be.  This one hour webinar is being held three times during the course of three months prior to NALC to accommodate all schedules, as these top students are all very active in their collegiate communities.   Presenters for the webinar include staff, as well as guest employer presenters, many of whom will be attending the career fair at NALC on behalf of their companies.  Liz Anderson, Talent Acquisition Consultant with Pioneer Hybrid International who is a co-presenter for the webinar shared these thoughts about the effectiveness of the webinar. “This webinar provides an excellent opportunity to obtain honest objective feedback and advice from the employer’s perspective on how to succeed in your career search.  For instance, if you have ever left a Career Fair or an interview wondering what the employer thought of you, here is your chance to get some answers.“
Additionally students who attend the webinar can submit their resume for critiquing by the attending employers, who may someday be looking at the student’s resume as a potential hire.   Jamie Questo, a junior at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo who participated in the seminar, provided this feedback regarding her experience.  “The Get in Hot Seat seminar is a great and unique experience to be able to ask questions of potential employers. It helped to find out what they are looking for, expectations of their employees as well as getting my resume critiqued. With this seminar I feel that I have a higher advantage over those without the help of, and am more prepared for interviews when it comes time to look for my future profession.” 
The national Alpha Zeta office is also offering a $50 discount, off of the registration cost for NALC, to those students who participate in the webinar. will be in attendance at NALC and the career fair, and will present a quick re-cap for students on the night before the career fair to capstone this unique opportunity.  “Alpha Zeta wants its members to be prepared for successful careers," said Brian Reuwee, Alpha Zeta associate director. "The webinar is a great way to bring together Alpha Zeta member

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