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Advanced Search Awards Zach Bross with a Laptop Computer
January 03, 2007

London, Ontario – Zach Bross of Bruce County was recently awarded a laptop computer by at the Scotiabank Youth Weekend at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. was a proud supporter of this year’s youth of the Scotiabank Dairy and Beef Classics.  Bross was one of more than 450 youth participants who entered the drawing.

Above: Alison Besley, Account Manager, Zach Bross, and Kathryn Doan, Business Development Manager, stop for a picture after awarding the laptop.

“We were pleased to join Scotiabank and the Royal Winter Fair in their effort to expose youth that may not otherwise have an opportunity to experience agriculture, the chance to witness it first hand,” said Kathryn Doan, Business Development Manager for

This year’s Scotiabank Youth Weekend brought in a record number of participants and gave the opportunity to share how they can benefit and assist these students as they begin to explore career paths through the online job board.

Participants were entered to win the laptop by filling out a short ballot.  More than 450 youth participants entered to win between the ages of 10 and 25 (See chart 1.).  Forty-five percent of the respondents were ages 16 to 20, a very prime time in a person’s life for planning and making future career choices.    

To learn more about this audience, asked them to share their thoughts on future career plans at this point in their life.  Participants were asked if they plan to return to their family farm; pursue a career in agribusiness; pursue a career outside of the agriculture industry; or ‘other’.  Thirty-nine percent of the respondents, and largest portion of the responses, plan to return to the family farm (See chart 2.).

The fact that so many of the participants are excited and plan to pursue a career in agriculture is good for the industry.  Interestingly, 26 of the ‘other’ responses fit into the category of agriculture careers.  As talent tightens up, it will be important for us to recruit as many new young people into the industry as possible.

“Students don’t know about all of the choices or relate jobs such as veterinarians as an agricultural career,” states Doan. “It is critical for our industry to get in front of youth, such as those participating in the Scotiabank Classic, to help them become more aware of the options and successes they can achieve by being involved in agriculture beyond the stereotypical production-type careers.” is the leading online job board and human resource service provider for agriculture, food, natural resources and biotechnology.  Connecting job seekers and agribusiness employers through a targeted online resource in an effective and economical manner is’s main focus.  Clients are served throughout North America, Australia, New Zealand and beyond from offices in North Carolina, Iowa, California, Ontario and Australia. is a member of the family of companies.


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