Need to track your finances, budget and learn more about how to save or invest? Download Mint for free to get a “complete picture” of all your finances in one place. As young professionals, Mint can help you learn the ins and outs of your expenses, savings, and investments. Mint offers a free credit score and connects to all U.S. financial institutions that connect to the internet.
Dropbox can ensure that when a computer crashes or phone is stolen, you can still access all your documents, photos, videos and files from any device. Dropbox Basic can be downloaded to your desktop computer and all mobile devices. You can share large files with other people even if they don’t have a Dropbox account by inviting them to the Dropbox folder and collaborate with team members. All files are automatically loaded to all your devices and the Dropbox website can be accessed from any place.
Evernote acts like an electronic filing cabinet and “workspace”. Evernote allows you to take notes; screen shot web pages, pictures or files; collaborate with others and instantly share and easily create presentations from a document. As a young professional, see if Evernote is something that can benefit you with the free plan. Keep all your notes in one place and let that idea you wrote down on a sticky note come to life with Evernote.
Scannable by Evernote
Scannable allows you to use your phone to scan documents and business cards to directly create an electronic version. Scannable acts as a mobile scanner for physical documents and creates PDF files for instantly sharing and storing documents. I found Scannable to be one of the best apps that stores business cards’ content and directly adds it to phone contacts. Other apps took 10 minutes to load the information into my phone contacts, but Scannable only took seconds.
FFA New Horizons
FFA New Horizons is now online and in an app. Keep up with all the new articles and agricultural advances that The National FFA Organization publishes. The app features embedded videos, photos and quizzes to allow users to access information quicker and more actively. Users of the FFA New Horizons app can directly share content from the app to any social media. The app will even notify you when new publications are released and have app specific content too.
Google Drive
With the Google Drive app you can easily share, collaborate, store files and work on the go. Edit, create, share, store and view all document types on your Google Drive account. Google Drive connects with Gmail and Google Photos accounts. A free account allows you to use up to 15 GB. The Drive has many apps that make day-to-day and business life easy: Doc, Sheets, Slides; Google Forms; Google Drawings; Google Calendar and more.
Download Passbook (Apple)/ Passwallet (Android) to keep your tickets and cards in one place and easily accessible. Passbook/ Passwallet add passes, tickets, coupons, loyalty cards, and credit and debit cards to your phone for easy access. Passes can be easily added straight from an email, scanning a barcode, manual input, through other apps, straight from the web and even through messages. Attending events or traveling is easier when all your tickets and cards are in one place.
Venmo allows you to pay anyone instantly for free. You can pay with money in your Venmo account or by linking your bank account or debit cards. To connect and use a credit card there is a 3% fee per payment. “Cash out” after receiving a payment and money is sent to your bank account within one business day. The bank grade security system that Venmo uses guarantees to protect your information on secure servers.
Banking Apps
Most banks now have their own app that takes away the hassle of going to the bank to cash a check, check your balance or transfer money. Most of the apps have a deposit check feature that takes a picture of the check and deposits it straight into your account. As a young professional always on the go, I use my bank app all the time. My credit union is not located in many places, but with the app it goes everywhere I go.
News Apps
Stay up to date and know what is happening around the world instantly by downloading a news app. Pick the news station of your choice and download their app. Updates come as notifications and if you want more info on an update, the app provides a full story. As a young professional, it is extremely important to be educated and current in today’s society. Knowing the news is a great conversation starter, but also shows you are active and aware of your surroundings.