Social networks are a powerful tool; they can help to establish a personal brand, as well as highlight specific interests and passions. People may connect and network with friends and peers around the globe, many of whom we share common interests and friendship.
However, social media can create negative impacts on perceptions and opinions as the network tends to expand beyond close friends through these public platforms. Not only do friends and family see your profile, but potential employers may look around as well. Privacy settings possibly allow the general public to see a glimpse of your shared information too.
Here are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to your social media profiles and how this can impact your hiring potential:
- Engage in social media to build your brand and showcase your profile.
- Share interesting content that you are passionate about.
- Interact with others in a supportive and positive manner.
- Set privacy settings, managing and minimizing what people outside your desired network might see.
- Include professional descriptions in your profile headings to allow viewers to gain a positive first impression.
- Use the options of multiple platforms that may display professional profiles to broad networks but keep personal profiles for your closest friends.
- Google yourself – just to see what’s out there about you!
- Don’t use photos or commentary that would damage your creditability and level of trustworthiness. If you have second thoughts about posting something, just keep it offline.
- Do not be afraid to use these social media URL’s on your resume, particularly LinkedIn or perhaps Twitter if they showcase your experience, knowledge and career passions.
- Don’t engage or include people in your network that will not share similar life values and goals. You can always unfollow or unfriend.
- No trash talk on social networks and steer clear of foul language.
- Never assume your profile is private. Nothing online is truly private!
- Use the options of multiple platforms that may display professional profiles to broad networks but keep personal profiles for your closest friends.
- Do not be afraid of social media, it is here to stay, so make sure your platforms appear as professional as you would look for the in-person job interview itself.
Be genuine on social networks but be professional and know your online reputation is a part of our own reputation today, and potentially forever as the online world evolves.