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Tips for Reducing Workplace Stress in 2021

Tips for Reducing Workplace Stress in 2021
  • AuthorLindsay Malcolm
  • DateJune 04, 2021
  • MediumNewsletter Article
Over the course of the past year, many of us have experienced adjusting to a 'new normal,' which has presented its own trials and tribulations. Everything has changed: the way we work, the way we socialize, the way we travel, the way we receive information - we've all had to navigate this new way of living, though not without challenge. Stress rates are heightened, and now more than ever, managing work stress from home has become a priority.

Tips for Reducing Workplace Stress in 2021


The last year has shown us all how quickly things can change – the ability to be adaptable and flexible has surely taken on a new meaning. Work environments, team collaboration, workplace events and information distribution have all shifted at a rapid pace. On top of switching to a 'new normal,' this shift is accompanied with increased levels of fear and anxiety. Managing work stress from home has become a first concern for many.


Here are 5 methods you can implement to decrease work stress, and in turn, increase wellness and productivity in 2021:


Practice Self-Care


It is said that “one cannot pour from an empty glass.” What does this really mean? Too often, it means we are expending more energy than we take in. It means you must take the time to replenish and recharge, in whichever way suits you best. While it’s true that pushing ourselves is good to a certain degree, we must know our personal limits and know not to exceed them.


A few self-care ideas to consider:


  • Wake up early to do some yoga/stretching before you start your day
  • Turn on a podcast or relaxing playlist while getting ready in the morning
  • Nourish your body with a full and healthy breakfast
  • Stay hydrated throughout the day with a bottle of water at your desk
  • Step outside to get some fresh air, recharge in the sun or go for a walk
  • Meditate at the end of each day for internal reflection


Make Time for Time Management


Being able to know what is on your plate for the day or even for the week ahead will save you a lot of energy when it comes to stress.


Set yourself up for success:


  • Leave time at the end of each day to prepare for the next workday – go through your day to figure out what you did not get accomplished
  • Sit down at the beginning of the week and block time out to focus on specific projects and tasks
  • Ensure your workplace is free of clutter and distractions so you can use your time effectively


Disengage from Negativity


Although we have a natural tendency to lean into negative conversations, choose to lean into positivity instead! Remove yourself from negative situations and disengage from negativity – it will serve you well in stress management.


What you can do to eliminate negativity:


  • Sleep on it – before reacting negatively or expressing frustration, take a breather and ask for some time to respond
    • Sometimes a couple of hours, or a night of sleep changes your perspective on the situation’s severity and how you’ll react!
  • Listen to a light-hearted or comedy podcast to lighten your mood
  • Write down 3 things that you will appreciate about or look forward to today


Be Vulnerable


Although it is important to be aware of appropriate boundaries, it is ok to be vulnerable at work. Take the time to share your story with a co-worker, friend or even your boss. Share how you’re managing your personal and professional life, but don’t be afraid to admit your challenges or fears.


Benefits of being vulnerable at work:


  • Vulnerability creates a more open work environment, which can spark creativity
  • Vulnerability strengthens trust between colleagues
  • Vulnerability makes for a safe and more inclusive workplace 


Spread Words of Recognition and Appreciation


At work, appreciation is important because it allows people to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Recognition is a reminder of why people do what they do. A person’s work is a large contributor to their sense of self-efficacy, fulfillment and achievement. Thus, it is essential people feel their contributions are being valued.


Ways you can promote recognition in your workplace:


  • Be intentional when giving recognition to someone
  • Make a goal to thank at least 1 person per week on their work
  • Prioritize spreading appreciation everyday

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