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What It’s Really Like to Work in Ag HR

What It’s Really Like to Work in Ag HR
  • DateJuly 29, 2024
  • MediumNewsletter Article
Explore the exciting and impactful world of Ag HR. Learn more about the career profiles and opportunities available for these professionals in the agricultural industry.

A day in the life of an ag HR professional may not vary at the surface from industry to industry. There will always be positions to fill, new hires to orient, performance management objectives on which to coach, training initiatives to meet, and another fire to put out. And of course, these things are to be expected in day-to-day HR and for most HR professionals, these challenges are what attracted them to the field. While to the outside world, the world of agriculture HR can look like any other industry, on the inside, things can look much different.

After peeling back a layer, it seems to become evident that there is something a little different going on in the ag industry. In my opinion, the world of ag possess a heart and passion like no other industry. That’s the thing that separates the agriculture industry from the rest, it is the passion to grow. Passion for agriculture must be evident though all aspects of human resources, because that passion fuels the people that help feed the world. In addition, there is a sense of community most would argue is hard to match within any other industry.

Starting each day connecting with the passion of the business is essential to know how Human Resources can best impact the organization. Maybe it is understanding current trade markets, and how that will impact the strategic focus of the organization. HR may be assisting front line managers understand how to coach an employee to improve their performance. Products mixes could shift due to a change in profit margin. While the list is endless of factors that can impact any ag company, the fact remains the same that the human resources professional that possess the same passions as those found throughout the ag industry will in turn have more of an impact on the organization.

Whether you have just started your quest for an ag HR position or are simply looking for the next move, check out the many human resources positions posted on Also, read more in our Ag HR Career Profiles:


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