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Time Management - Learn how to manage your time more effectively!

Time Management - Learn how to manage your time more effectively!
  • AuthorRachael Primeau
  • DateNovember 30, 2023
  • MediumNewsletter Article
Ever wondered how to be more efficient at work?



Here are 6 tips to help you learn how to manage your time more effectively! 


Start with organizing and tidying your desk.  

A clean space can help you stay clear and focused throughout the day. 


Set daily and weekly to-do lists. 

For your daily to-do list aim for three main tasks to complete. If you finish those then add more tasks to work on. Don’t put too many tasks down or you’ll start to feel overwhelmed. Write your daily to-do list the day before so when you get to work you are already set up for the day! 

Set up each work/school week by writing out specific tasks to complete each day. Write down any due dates or important meetings. By planning out your week it takes the stress off of trying to figure out what to do each day. Create the to-do list on Friday afternoon or first thing Monday morning. 


Prioritize Tasks 

Once your to-do list is figured out prioritize your tasks by most urgent to least urgent. If you need help figuring out if a task is important follow this: 

  • Urgent and important – complete right away. 

  • Important but not urgent – schedule them to be completed. 

  • Neither urgent nor important – completed last. 


Goal Setting 

When setting goals, it is good to set short term and long-term goals. Set short term goals that you can complete either daily or weekly such as “I want to complete these three tasks before the end of the week”. Set long-term goals that are either monthly or yearly such as a big project that contains multiple parts. When setting these goals use SMART goals to make sure the goals you are setting are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.  


Time Blocking 

Having a big to-do list can feel daunting. Use time blocking to set aside 30 minutes to an hour and dedicate that time to working on one task. Once the time is up stop working and take a break. By working in small chunks and knowing what you’re going to do for that period can help make your to-do list more manageable.  


Take frequent breaks throughout the day 

Take breaks throughout the day and after completing tasks. Taking breaks and getting up from your desk can help you feel more energized and ready to get things done. Taking breaks after you have finished a task is especially important so when you come back to your desk you are ready to start on the next task.  



Start implementing these 6-time management tips into your work or school week and start to notice a difference in your productivity 

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