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Professional Etiquette in the Workplace

Professional Etiquette in the Workplace
  • AuthorRachael Primeau
  • DateNovember 14, 2023
  • MediumNewsletter Article
Do you know how to utilize Professional Etiquette in the Workplace? Here are 7 important ways to ensure you are being professional while working.


01 Appearance & Dress Code 


Office Dress Code 

•   Adhere to the company’s dress code policy 

•   Dress to impress – reflects on you as a professional 

•   Maintain a clean appearance by keeping up with personal hygiene  

•   Avoid wearing strong perfumes or colognes that could be distracting 



Types of Office Dress Codes 


•  Suits  

•  Pant suits or skirt suits  

•  Button down shirts 

•  Necktie 

•  Dress shoes 


Business Casual 

•   Dress pants or skirts 

•   Professional dresses 

•   Professional shirts and  


•   Nice shoes or loafers 



•   Jeans or casual pants 

•   Dresses and skirts 

•   Comfortable shoes 

•   T-shirts, hoodies and    

     button-down shirts 



02 Email Etiquette  


How to Compose a Professional Email 

Subject Line  

•   A short phrase that summarizes the email 




•   A greeting at the start of your email 

•   Hello John, 


•   Put your full message here 

•   Break the email into sections to make it easier to read either by line or paragraph  

•   Keep the email clear and to the point 



•   The line before your signature  

•   Restate any requests you’ve made in the body of the message: 

    •   Please let me know if you have any questions 



•   Name, title, and any other information 

Thank you, 

Jane Doe 

Marketing Director 



Email Organization 

•   Respond to emails promptly  

•   Manage email volume: 

            •   Create folders to organize emails into categories 

            •   Flag emails with due dates - they can be found easily highlighted in your inbox 


03 Meeting Etiquette 


Before A Meeting 

•   Be prepared for meetings – similar to being prepared for class 

•   Review agendas and relevant material in advance 

•   Write down any questions you have before the meeting to make sure you ask them during the meeting 

•   Be prepared with paper and writing utensils for notetaking 




During A Meeting 

•   Arrive on time for meetings 

•   Actively participate in meetings through active listening skills, engagement, and participation (asking questions or sharing ideas) 

•   Take notes to remember tasks or any other information discussed 

•   Put your cellphone away 


After A Meeting 

•   Take a few minutes to write anything else from the meeting down  

•   Reflect on the meeting and any tasks that need to be completed from the meeting 

•   Write important information into your agenda/ calendar/ to-do list 


04 Instant Messaging Etiquette 



Instant Messaging Etiquette 

•   Use chat platforms such as Teams or Slack for work-related communication only 

•   Keep messages professional and respectful 

•   Avoid using excessive abbreviations or informal language 


05 Online Working Etiquette 


Online Meetings  

•   If you do not have a clean background try using a background image or blurring your background 

•   Camera on for more engagement  

•   Active listening, maintain eye contact through the camera, facial expressions, and body language 

•   Background distractions – go to a quiet room for meetings, put in headphones, mute yourself if there are distracting noises 

06 In-Person Working Etiquette 


Office Communication 

•   Use respectful language and tone in all conversations 

•   Practice active listening and give others the opportunity to speak 

•   Respect colleagues’ personal space  

•   Be mindful of cultural norms regarding personal space 


Office Hygiene 

•   Maintain good personal hygiene 

•   Keep your workspace clean and organized 

•   Used shared facilities like kitchens and bathrooms responsibly 


Respect Quiet Spaces 

•   Use designated quiet spaces for focused work or private conversations 

•   Keep noise levels low in shared spaces to avoid disruptions 

•   Use headphones to listen to audio or video content 

07 Overall Professionalism 



Arrive on time for work and meetings. Respect others’ time by being on time. 

Work Ethic 

Be diligent, committed, and take pride in the quality of your work. 


Treat colleagues & superiors with respect and courtesy. 


Take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Admit mistakes and learn from them to improve performance. 


Be attentive when listening and express yourself clearly and professionally. 


Approach challenges with a positive attitude and a problem-solving mindset. Seek solutions and contribute constructively to resolving issues. 


Collaborate effectively with colleagues and contribute to a positive team dynamic. 

Positive Attitude 

Maintain a positive attitude, even during challenging times. Display enthusiasm and optimism in your approach to work. 

Professional Development 

Invest in continuous learning and professional development to enhance your skills and knowledge. 


Respect the privacy of sensitive information and maintain confidentiality in all matters related to the workplace. 

Conflict Resolution 

Handle conflicts professionally and constructively. Maintain composure during disagreements. 


Uphold ethical standards and be honest in your dealings with others. Avoid engaging in dishonest or unethical behavior. 


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