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Making the Most of Your Co-Op Experience

Making the Most of Your Co-Op Experience
  • AuthorSydney Mohr
  • DateAugust 28, 2024
  • MediumCareer Guide Article
Starting your first internship or co-op? Discover how to set clear goals, stay organized, and make the most of your experience. Get expert advice and actionable tips to ensure your first step into the professional world is a successful one.

Embarking on your first internship or co-op can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. It’s your chance to apply what you’ve learned in the classroom to a real-world setting, gain practical experience, and kick-start your professional journey. However, the transition from academia to the workplace can be daunting, but don’t worry, we have some valuable tips to help you navigate and make the most of your first internship or co-op experience:



Before starting your internship, take some time to define what you hope to achieve during your term. Whether mastering a specific skill, gaining industry insights, or networking with professionals, having clear goals will guide your actions and keep you focused throughout the internship. It will also leave you feeling accomplished when you leave your co-op knowing that you have met the goals you wanted to achieve.



Don’t wait for tasks to be assigned to you; instead, take initiative and seek out opportunities to contribute. Volunteer for projects, ask questions and offer assistance whenever possible. Proactivity demonstrates your enthusiasm and initiative, leaving a positive impression on your supervisors and colleagues. It can also open doors to new projects that you were not originally going to be given. 



Networking is a crucial aspect of any internship or co-op. Take the time to connect with your colleagues, supervisors, and other professionals within the organization. Attend company events, join meetings, and engage in conversations when possible. Building strong relationships can open many doors to future opportunities and provide valuable mentorship experiences.



Feedback is essential for growth and development. Don’t hesitate to ask for input on your performance from your supervisors and peers. Actively seek constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity to learn and improve. Demonstrating your willingness to receive feedback shows your commitment to personal and professional growth.


When talking with Kat Botelho, Graphic Designer for the Talent Solutions Team, they shared some pieces of advice from their first co-op experience.


Q: Did you receive feedback on your performance during your first co-op, and if so, how did you incorporate it into your work?


A: “Since I am in graphic design, people always give me feedback on my performance, and I must consistently implement that feedback into my work. I had to learn not to take it personally and to take the input as it came. Their feedback was helpful because I had never worked in the agriculture and food industry, so I could learn many things from them to incorporate into my work.”



Co-ops/internships can be fast-paced, with multiple tasks and deadlines to manage. Stay organized by keeping track of your assignments, deadlines, and priorities. Utilize tools such as calendars, to-do lists, or project management software to stay on top of your workload and ensure timely task completion.



Approach your internship with a growth mindset and view challenges as opportunities for learning and development. Don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone and tackle out of your comfort zone ad tackle unfamiliar tasks. A co-op is the time to learn new skills and make mistakes. Embrace new experiences, ask questions, and seek opportunities to expand your skills and knowledge.


Q: What were some of the most significant challenges you faced during your first co-op, and how did you overcome them?


A: “My most significant challenge at my first co-op was managing multiple tasks simultaneously. That is a skill they do not teach you in school; it’s something you must learn throughout your first job. To overcome this challenge, I communicated with my supervisors, asked for advice, and told them how many projects I was working on. I also communicated with other co-op students working there at the time to ask for tips on how they were managing this challenge.”




Always maintain a professional demeanor, both in person and online. Dress appropriately, adhere to company policies and etiquette, and communicate effectively and respectfully with colleagues. Remember that your behavior and attitude reflect on your professionalism and can impact your prospects.


Q: How did your first co-op experience contribute to your overall growth and development as a professional?


A: “My first co-op overall set the standard for what to expect once I entered the industry. It gave me the skills I needed and prepared me for my first job after school. It also led me into an industry I never thought I would enter, and now I love it. I get to learn new things every day, which keeps work exciting.” 


8. Reflect and Learn

Take time to reflect on your internship/co-op experience regularly. Consider what you’ve learned, the skills you’ve developed, and the areas for improvement. Reflecting on your experiences can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, set new goals, and make informed decisions about your future career path.


Q: In what ways did your first co-op experience shape your career aspirations or influence your future career path?


A: “The most important thing my first co-op taught me was the importance of good company culture. Going into my first co-op and the workforce, I was unsure what I was looking for. After working there, I learned that it’s essential for me to be surrounded by a good company culture where there is lots of positive feedback, like I had at my first co-op.”



Be prepared to adapt to changes and challenges that may arise during your internship. Projects may evolve, deadlines may shift, and unexpected opportunities may arise. Stay flexible and approach each situation with a positive attitude and a willingness to adapt and problem-solve.



As your internship comes to an end, strive to leave a lasting impression. Express your gratitude to your supervisors and colleagues and seek feedback on your performance. Connect with professionals you’ve met during your internship on platforms like LinkedIn to maintain relationships. Leaving a positive impression can lead to valuable recommendations, referrals, and potential job opportunities in the future.


Wrapping up our discussion, Kat offered insights drawn from their first co-op:


Q: Looking back, what advice would you give to someone embarking on their first co-op or internship experience?


A: “Do not stress out too much; the application and interview process are the hardest part. Once you have that done and you have a co-op lined up, the worst is behind you.”


Q: Can you share any tips or strategies that helped you make the most of your first co-op experience?


A: “I would say stay organized, and if you’re confused, always ask for clarification. Especially if you are confused about what you are supposed to be doing, ask for it in writing. Lots of things get said in meetings that could get missed. Do not be shy about sharing ideas and projects; you might have an idea for something they have never considered. As well, if your co-op is hybrid, make a point to go into the office for events whenever you can. For myself, it helped me, it was a good way of getting to know people better and feeling more like part of the team.” 


Overall, your first co-op or internship offers a blend of excitement and challenges, serving as a pivotal steppingstone into the professional world. By setting clear goals, being proactive, and nurturing relationships, you pave the way for a successful journey. Embrace feedback, stay organized, and approach each day with a thirst for learning. As you reflect on your experiences and leave a lasting impression, remember that this journey is just the beginning. Embrace it with enthusiasm, seize every opportunity for growth, and embark on your future career path with confidence and determination

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