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Becoming a Professional in Resilience

Becoming a Professional in Resilience
  • AuthorNicolle Mejia
  • DateMay 28, 2024
  • MediumNewsletter Article
In today's unpredictable world, where challenges can suddenly arise, cultivating resilience is crucial to help you navigate the ups and downs of life with greater ease and confidence. This article offers five secrets to help you navigate adversities and emerge stronger.

Let's face it - work can be stressful. From the pressures of job hunting and meeting tight deadlines to managing challenging clients and resolving workplace conflicts, it's easy to become overwhelmed and experience burnout.


Non-resilient people become overwhelmed by these stressful situations and have a hard time recovering. In contrast, those who have honed their resilience skills can quickly bounce back from adversities and emerge stronger.


In today's unpredictable world, where challenges can suddenly arise, cultivating resilience is crucial to help us navigate the ups and downs of life with greater ease and confidence.Being resilient does not exclude us from experiencing anger, sadness, or unhappiness due to an unpleasant event. It simply means we find a solution to deal with the situation. 


Five Secrets to Cultivate Resilience at Work

Resilience is a skill that can be developed and strengthened with time. While some people may naturally possess resilience, many of us need to put in effort to enhance this skill. Below are some strategies to help you build your resilience.


  1. Nurture Relationships

Cultivate strong and healthy relationships with your colleagues. Find a mentor who can guide and support you during the good and bad times. A mentor is crucial because instead of just pointing out mistakes, they will provide constructive feedback to help you learn from mistakes and identify opportunities to grow. Having supportive people around you can significantly boost your motivation.


  1. Learn from Failure

You can learn how to manage current challenging circumstances by reflecting on what helped you overcome adversities in the past. Remember when you missed a deadline or misunderstood an assignment and how it made you stronger. It's essential to consider the lessons you've taken from those experiences.


  1. Be Optimistic 

Always strive to find the good in any circumstance and remain hopeful that something great is coming your way. Remind yourself that obstacles are temporary, and you can and will overcome any setback. Fostering a positive mindset in the workplace will help you approach all tasks with a can-do attitude and face problems with a solution-focused mindset.


  1. Nurture Yourself 

Remember to prioritize your mental and physical well-being. Make sure to get enough rest and eat a balanced diet. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Many employers provide workplace wellness programs that promote and support employees in living a healthier lifestyle. Take advantage of yoga or meditation classes, on-site fitness centers, and flexible work arrangements.


  1. Embrace Change 

Change can be intimidating, whether it involves a shift in corporate culture, the implementation of new technology, or new management personnel. When faced with such significant changes, it's normal to feel anxiety, uncertainty, and resistance. However, embracing change and adapting to these new situations can help us navigate uncertain times and thrive in them. Remember to stay calm and explore innovative approaches to overcome challenges.


To explore more career advice, visit our Career Success Library. 


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