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How to Stand Out in a Virtual Interview

How to Stand Out in a Virtual Interview
  • AuthorClara Boles
  • DateDecember 07, 2021
  • MediumNewsletter Article
Shepard explained how virtual interviews are becoming more popular and that there are more of them! This is opening up the number of interviews a candidate may have with the same of employer because of the ease of scheduling the interview.

We are probably tired of hearing of all things virtual and how our world has changed in the past couple of years. With that being said, we are seeing some things that came into light that may never leave, and one of those being virtual interviews.


Meredith Shepard with De Lacy Executive Recruitment broke down virtual interviews and how to go about them in a past Webinar. Click here to watch the full webinar.


Shepard explained how virtual interviews are becoming more popular and that there are more of them! This is opening up the number of interviews a candidate may have with the same of employer because of the ease of scheduling the interview.


Here are some tips and tricks to make yourself STAND out in a virtual interview:


How a Virtual Interview differs from an In-Person Interview

A virtual interview is much harder to read body language, so it is important to make up for that by being more enthusiastic! By no means should you try to act “fake,” but intentionally being more enthusiastic shows the employer you energy and interest!

On a video interview, be sure to give time in between the question being asked and you giving your answer. This will make sure you are not talking over one another and having it be awkward.

With a virtual interview, there are a uniqueset of distractions, most of them coming from your home. Try to eliminate these distractions. Here are some ways to do so:

  • Putting pets in another room
  • Putting a note on the door, to not ring the doorbell
  • Placing your phone in another room
  • Not wearing a smart watch


Preparing for the Interview/ Technology

Make sure you prepare for the interview and do not allow yourself to let the virtual part of the interview throw you off!

  • You should always practice on the platform. You should know how to turn the microphone and the camera on and off, so you are not fidgeting when it comes time in the interview.
  • Make sure your background is clean and does not have many distractions!
  • Checking your lighting is a must before the interview. You want the employer to see your face, and not have any odd shadows or harsh light coming from a window behind you.
  • Have a backup plan! Communicate with the person interviewing you beforehand so you can have a backup plan if someone loses internet, a backup plan could be a phone call, or just rescheduling.

You will also need to do the normal interview preparation! Like:

  • Resume in front of you
  • The job description in front of you
  • Questions prepared for the employer
  • Research the employer
  • prepare answers for common interview questions


How to Present Yourself

Treat this as a regular interview! Dress for the part, prepare as normal. You should try not to have anything planned right before or after the interview. You don’t want to feel rushed. Make sure you show your enthusiasm and keep your speech slow! We sometimes get too excited or nervous and start speaking faster! If it helps you, write “SLOW” on a sticky note, and put it on your computer. Make eye contact a priority! If you are losing eye contact, it could convey distraction and disinterest.


How to Assess the Company Culture and Job Fit Virtually

Remember, this interview goes both ways! You are also interviewing the company and seeing if this is a good fit for you! Come with questions and ask for clarification if need be.

Here are some questions you could ask:

  • How has the company handled everything since the pandemic?
  • What three words would you use to describe the work environment?
  • What does success in this role look like for a remote employee?


Following up with the Organization after an Online Interview

At the end of the interview, always ask, “What are the next steps?” This will show your initiative and let them know you are very serious about the job!

After the interview, within 24 hours you should send a personalized thank you to each person who sat in on the interview, try to bring up something you talked about. This shows you were paying attention and are interested!

Send a follow-up message at an appropriate time—this shows interest and puts the ball in their court.


Watch the full webinar here :

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