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Intern Myth Busters

Intern Myth Busters
  • DateJuly 18, 2024
  • MediumNewsletter Article
Are you considering an internship? Don't let common misconceptions discourage you. Check out these internship myth busters to get the real story and make an informed decision.

Planning to do an internship? You’ve probably heard some things over the years that might deter you. But to be honest, there’s probably not a lot of truth to those rumors. Check out these intern myth busts to get the real story.


Intern Myth #1: Interns do the grunt work.


Not all interns are just coffee runners like you might see in the movies. Most interns will take on numerous large projects to complete by the end of their internship. As well as advancing their career skills in several different areas.


Intern Myth #2: Internships are only in the summer.


If you are someone who has a hard time committing your warm summer days off of school to a job, then a summer internship may not be in your best interest. And it doesn’t have to be! Internships can take place during the spring and fall as well. The only downfall is that your internship might have to be limited to the hours between school and other commitments. Some students even take a semester off and work a full-time internship during the school year.


Intern Myth #3: Everyone else is doing an internship so I must do one too.


Many collegiate programs require a student to complete an internship before graduation, but this is not always the case. A paid internship, however, can be a great way to gain experience and save money while doing so. A company will always be seeking candidates with the most valuable experience when they have open positions.


Intern Myth #4: Internships should always be paid.


Speaking of paid internships and saving money, internships are not always paid. Sometimes a researcher at your college will be looking for some help. Although it’s not paid, you will gain hands-on experience and employers will find the value in it. There are often scholarships offered to students who take an unpaid internship.


Intern Myth #5: Internships must relate to my major.


It’s okay to try something else. Especially if you are debating a different career choice. Try out an internship in other areas of interest to gain a wide array of skills and experience.


Intern Myth #6: Internships Are Boring.


According to’s 2017 Internship Benchmark Survey results, 80% of interns were very enthused to start working with their company. If you have previously experienced a boring internship, look into a business that offers projects that fit you better. Try asking questions in an interview to ensure that the company and position will serve you well.


Intern Myth #7: Freshmen always crop scout.


First off, let’s just clear up that crop scouting builds character! But honestly, there are other opportunities out there besides crop scouting, although it is a great way to gain knowledge and get a foot in the agricultural industry. If you are not interested in crop scouting, then you should look to gain some other type of experience in the industry before freshman summer rolls around.



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