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5 Things that Could Prevent You from Getting a Job

5 Things that Could Prevent You from Getting a Job
  • DateMarch 04, 2015
  • MediumInfographic
What will potential employers find if the check out your social networks or conduct a background check? Find out what could prevent you from getting a job.

5 Things that Could Prevent You from Getting a Job– What will potential employers find if the check out your social networks or conduct a background check? Find out what could prevent you from getting a job.


Infographic- Title:  5 Things that Could Prevent You from Getting a Job.  Image Text:  1 Driving while intoxicated or underage drinking.  Many companies provide employees with a company vehicle, and even if they don’t, background checks and motor vehicle records are part of their screening process. Having a clean driving record can mean the difference between getting the job or a rejection letter.  Did you know…66% of employers conduct background checks.  2 Bad Credit:  Pay your bills on time.  Depending on the position, the job may come with access to a corporate credit card. Anything you use or own that ask for your social security number can impact your credit score. Not managing your personal finances will raise some eyebrows in the final selection process.3 Poor social networking:  Employers are looking.  Keep your profiles clean and stop others from identifying you in pictures on their accounts that could cause employers to see you in a negative light. Also, be careful what you tweet or retweet. You never know who is reading it and how it may come across. Did you know….59% of employers in ag report using social media in recruitment.  4 Academic honor code:  History of cheating or plagiarism?  Colleges and universities have these policies in place for a reason and the consequences can be harsh. Honor code violations listed on your academic record is accessible by employers, not to mention the impact on your GPA. 5 Misusing your network:  She was a total slave driver.  I don’t think she’d fit into our company culture.  Don’t bad-mouth old employers.  Regardless of the situation, think twice before sharing opinions about previous employers. What you say will reflect more on yourself than the person or company you’re talking about. offers more helpful tips like this in our Newsletter Archives, in our Employer Guide Archives and on our Pinterest page.  Check them out for great material.

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