Immigration Care – Specializing in employment – based immigration and so much more
“We provide immigration advice to Canadian employers who want to hire foreign nationals and individuals wanting to come to Canada – temporarily or permanently.” Martine said, when asked about what Immigration Care is and what they do.
Immigration Care specializes in employment- based immigration with a focus on the Agriculture & Food Processing industry. Martine explained that most of the job opportunities start with a temporary role. Immigration Care then often assists them with their permeant residency application once they have some Canadian work experience under their belt.
“We not only help the employees but also the employers. As a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant, we will guide them through the entire process step by step. We aim to take down the stress levels for all our clients by making the application process as easy as possible for them. If they have been asked to provide police certificates or other documents, we use our experience to help direct our clients as best we can.” Martine said.
In terms of skilled and semiskilled labour, many employers are having trouble finding any, let alone quality, candidates right now. Given the busy seeding season that is approaching and the labour shortage that everyone is facing, their phones are ringing off the hook, and they are ready to help!
The temporary foreign worker program is one way to address labour shortages in Canada, but is a process that can take some time. Sometimes the application process can take months, and Immigration Care attempts to expedite the process and make it simple as possible for the employer and the employee.
Martine expressed, over the past 2 years, “Immigration has really recognized that agriculture is an essential part of our economy, applications are being treated as priority.”
The jobs that are most in demand currently include:
Martine has a farm at home and grew up on a dairy farm, and they operate a dairy today. Because of her background in the industry, she truly understands the struggles that employers are facing.
For Martine, helping people to realize their dream of living in Canada, reuniting them with their families and helping to fill the labor shortage is very rewarding.
“The best part is when the permanent residency application is approved, and we get to share the news with the family who we have been working with during the lengthy process. It really is fulfilling work at the end of the day. There truly is a story behind every application,” said Martine.
Learn more about jobs opportunities at Immigration Care here.
Learn more about Skill Labor opportunities here.