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Biorefining Specialist

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Biorefining specialists work to convert biomass into fuels, power and chemicals to create more sustainable solutions to fuel our planet.



What responsibilities will I have?

  • Keep track of dried distillers grains, ethanol, corn oil, wet cake feed and distiller’s syrup into trucks and rail cars bring brought in and out of plant
  • Responsible for the operation of all plant processing equipment and performing routine maintenance in a highly automated chemical facility
  • Oversee maintenance and cleaning of all equipment associated with the biorefining processes
  • Maintain knowledge of the process flow, computerized equipment
  • Maintain plant Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) guidelines
  • Be aware of hazards associated with biorefining and ensure employees are properly trained in safety techniques and procedures
  • Develop and execute efficient operating procedures
  • Ensure quality of product being produced
  • Identify needs to maintain production levels
  • Meet with plant engineers regularly to ensure plant processing equipment is running properly and to look for ways to improve production
  • Understand and execute standard operating procedures and is expected to ensure proper response during normal and abnormal operating situations
  • Most biorefining plants operate 24 hours, 7 days a week; must be willing to work unexpected days or hours as problems arise
  • Collect data for production reports


What education and training is required?

A bachelor’s degree in chemical or electrical engineering is required.


To pursue a career as a biorefining specialist:

The following high school courses are recommended:  agricultural education, computer courses, mathematics and chemistry.  


Where can I work?

Biorefining Managers are employed by ethanol and other alternative energy companies. 


Future Job Market / Outlook

The future outlook for a biorefining manager will be great over the next five years.


Suggested Professional Organizations and Associations

  • American Coalition for Ethanol
  • Renewable Fuels Association
  • National Biodiesel Board
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