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O.A.C. '05 Excellence Travel Grant


Amount:   $300


Grade:   N/A


Need-based:   N/A


Residency:  Ontario


Enrollment status:   Full-Time


Deadline:   April 1st


Presented by:  Class of OAC 1905 and the class of OAC 2005


University/College:   University of Guelph


Academic Level:   Bachelors


Field of Study:   Agriculture


Additional Criteria:    Must submit a letter of no longer than two pages outlining the intended study program/conference/or other type of learning opportunity, reasons for choosing the program and the anticipated benefits of participation


Renewable:  N/A


Description:   Given to the students of University of Guelph who registered in an Ontario Agricultural College undergraduate degree program and wish to travel to expand their educational opportunity



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